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Jordan World of Flight Milan


A show of music, interviews, memorabilia and a dunk contest between spectacular dunkers: Coolest led the production of this great event that not only celebrated the opening of the Jordan World of Flight shop in Milan, but also brought together a community of fans.

This unique space featured talents from all over the world, creating a dialogue between the artistic expressions of the local and international Jordan communities.

The Galleria Meravigli was transformed into a place dedicated to basketball and music and, of course, to Michael Jeffrey Jordan. 360 square metres of shop but not only.

Among trainers and other memorabilia, some spaces were allocated to collaborations with artists and designers that will change cyclically as the weeks go by.

Among the many protagonists of the day were Lazza, Epoque, Polly&Pamy and the Bounce Factory Dance Studio Milano who brought great energy with their live performances.

Marco Belinelli, long-standing testimonial of the Jordan brand, was also present, together with Gianluca Gazzoli and Nausicaa Dell’Orto. Last but not least, two key figures in the promotion of the Jordan brand could not miss the occasion: Craig Williams, President Jordan Brand and Sandra Idehen, Vice President and General Manager Jordan Brand EMEA.

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